Terrific Bucket List Ideas for Artists
August 7, 2020 │ By : Inaas Asad
Creating a bucket list and focusing on it can have incredible impacts on your life.
Why Should You Have a Bucket List?
Setting goals helps you articulate what you want to explore, focuses your attention, and allows you to hold yourself accountable to pursuing your dreams.
Many people spend their lives being clueless to what they want. They just follow the usual expectations of society and get so busy that they forget what their true passion is. That is why you need to create a bucket list.
It not only motivates you, but it also forces you to realize what you actually want.
Creating a bucket list is the perfect way to set your life goals and stay focused on making them a reality.
The Ultimate Bucket List for Artists:
Since this is an art blog, here are some ideas for those looking to create an artist's bucket list.
- - Launch and run a profitable online art store.
- - Get into an international exhibition.
- - Win an art competetion.
- - Paint a picture a day for a month.
- - Paint a mural on the wall.
- - Make a potrait from imagination.
- - Paint on 100 pennies/coins.
- - Design and write a blog.
- - Own your own art studio.
- - Have your artwork published in a leading magazine or newspaper.
- - Get your artwork featured on another website.
- - Publish your own illustrated book.
- - Visit 10 of the world's most inspirational art galleries and museums.
- - Try a medium you're not comfortable with.
- - Start to collect folk art and crafts around the world.
- - If you make digital art, own the best graphics tablet that money can buy.
- - Take an art class.
- - Teach an art class.
- - Learn how to make grafitti.
- - Inspire someone with your art.
- - Run a solo exhibition.
- - Paint on dried leaves.
- - Collaborate with another artist.
- - Keep and finish an art journal.
- - Learn about art history.
- - Paint one scene from 20 countries and complile it into a book.
- - Do a live painting session.
- - Own the best possible art supplies.
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